How is Your Podcast Advancing Meaningful Relationships?

Relationships are one of our six core values at PFN and this one sits at the top of our list for a reason. As most of us know, relationships trump everything else. Having a relationship is what allows us to get true traction in life together.

 Let’s take business for example.

When we have deep relationships with our clients and strategic partners, we truly feel a sense of partnership.

 Now think about a true partnership and what that is like played out.

There is a win-win. There is accountability. There is real talk. There is a belief that “together, we will figure it out.” 

☝️ Is this the reality for you and your team?

☝️ Do you feel this with your key relationships?

☝️ The even bigger question is…do you feel this together as a team?

I have never seen a medium like podcasting that works so well to start and advance relationships at scale. Here are a few examples…

Scenario 1:

The show provides an opportunity to reach out and begin relationships with your most wanted and needed contacts.

Is your show built for those relationships? If so, your batting average of outreach to beginning new meaningful relationships is probably pretty stellar. 

Scenario 2:

The show provides a path for your clients and partners to have a meaningful conversation with you that provides illustrations of how the two of you, together, add value to the world.

Stories are what resonate with people and when they feel they can relate and you’re approachable, podcasting becomes one heck of a two-way communication vehicle.

How often are your listeners reaching out because they were compelled by your conversations?

Scenario 3:

Podcasting creates a meaningful connection between the host and listener. 

I do reference Mel Robbins as a bestie. The crazy part is that I have never met her, but I really feel like we are friends. 

Think about how your podcasting efforts could be applied to scale meaningful relationship-building with your team members. Have you tried podcasting for your internal communications and culture efforts?

Want some help with this? ☝️

I am happy to offer a complimentary coaching session.

Do you have success stories about podcasting being a system to move your relationships forward? I would love to hear yours.


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