From the Inside Out: Your First Season of Internal Comms

There is so much digital content floating around in the universe right now, but podcasts have captured the attention of millions. We know what you’re thinking…

“What’s all the podcasting hype?”

“Is this a fad or here to stay?”

The numbers speak for themselves. Statistics reveal that podcasting has become the preferred choice for content consumption among individuals over the age of twelve. In fact, a staggering 73% of us tune into online audio on a monthly basis. It’s not just a trend; we believe it’s a movement. It’s about meeting people where they are and engaging them in a way that resonates deeply with them.

Why Podcasting?

Podcasting offers a unique advantage: it creates an abundance of content that can fuel all your digital channels. It’s a one-stop solution that feeds every communication channel you have, making your efforts multiply effortlessly. Imagine, one effort, multiple channels. Mind-boggling, isn’t it?

To get a clear picture of the variety of content a podcast creates, check this out: Private Podcasting for Internal Communications.

Getting Started: Defining Your Path

Embarking on a podcasting journey requires a roadmap. Here’s where you begin:

Step 1: Define the WHY & Success Metrics

Start with the WHY and create a vision of your thriving internal communications efforts. Write it down! We recommend you and your team co-create your vivid vision by journaling the following questions:

  • What does excellent internal communication look like?
  • What would be different than it is now?
  • What metrics or KPIs will we track and celebrate?

This is What Thriving Looks Like:

“Two-way communication is finally working!”

“The highest communication consumption rates we’ve seen!”

“I love how employees of all levels get a chance to share.”

“We’ve leveled up our onboarding experience.”

“The best way to reach our remote and field-based workers.”

“Relationships are being built through our podcast.”

Step 2: Draft Your Season 1 Content

Your company is unique and has core stories that every employee needs to know. Have your team jot down the most compelling topics that would fire up your culture, provide clarity of your roots, and show where you are headed in the future. 


Topics like this ⬇️ are ideal for Season One!

E1: The Why interview with Founder / CEO

E2: Core Values: Understanding the definition and how we live them out

E2: How We Got Here (History)

E3: Where We Are Going (Future)

E4-E6: Interviews with Key Leaders

E7: What’s it like to work here (a montage of voices/perspectives) 

E8-E10: Our impact: Stories that showcase our purpose

E11: Internal Workings: What you need to know to perform at your best 

E12: A nod to the ethos of the company with a final note from the CEO


🎯 See how Trader Joe’s is crushing the internal communication podcasting game! BRAVO 👏


Ready to Dive In?

We offer a FREE Design YOUR Vision to Communicate Session. Let’s craft a podcasting strategy tailored to your unique needs. Schedule your session.

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