Host Danielle Krischick has real conversations with leaders, industry experts and change-makers who share how they use stories to drive human connection in the workplace—beginning with the story of who they are.
Tim McCleary is the founder of The Involvement Practice, a culture activation company that specializes in employee involvement to drive growth. He works with a team of blackbelts in culture activation who use sensory, immersive experiences to transform the way people think and feel, driving real change in organizations.
You’ll learn about the necessity of purpose in business, the interplay between empowerment and trust, the importance of understanding triggers in team dynamics, the power of empathy and human connection, and the impact of personal stories in the workplace. Because at the end of the day, culture is how work gets done.
Additional Resources:
The Story Effect http://thestoryeffect.com/
Instagram http://instagram.com/storyeffectpodcast
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniellekrischik
Learn about Knight Agency http://knightagency.com/
Connect with Tim: https://www.theinvolvementpractice.com/
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Key Takeaways:
- Culture is how work happens, not perks
- Trust and empowerment go hand in hand
- Culture shifts need active involvement
- Small team changes ripple company-wide
- Strong relationships drive success