Why PeopleForward Network?

Work is the largest consumption of our time. The average person will spend about 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime, so having the opportunity for your work to truly live inside your core values, is so important. It is the greatest extension of our lives. Our team’s core values are how we root our decisions in what we offer at PeopleForward Network and the basis of who we are. Our culture code is how we live it out.

What screams loudly about the uniqueness of our culture is that everyone on our team is authentically passionate about impacting work culture. And because of that, we are very aware of the great things to do and the things to not do.

Our team celebrates everything, both the BIG wins and the little ones. We are intentional to holding ourselves accountable to role model the people-first leadership that we preach. The better we each show up individually, the better we show up as a team and the more it will penetrate across the clients we serve as well.

Each person on our team leads through their gifts and their strengths. This doesn’t happen by accident. It has been very purposeful since the beginning. Where one may be lacking, others on the team find their strength.

Think about this…What if everyone in the world got to work this way? It would be world-changing because it’s life-giving.


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