Celebrating Three Years with Six Ways to Lead From the Heart

Since the day PeopleForward Network was started, Meaningful Manny has been working hard behind the scenes to create this exceptional culture and community that we have come to cherish. Manny went from feeling undervalued and unfulfilled in a toxic workplace to becoming a powerhouse brand manager, thanks to a life-changing leader. Together, they reshaped Manny’s career and entire workplace cultures, emphasizing the importance of self-advocacy, trust, and relationship-building.

It’s one of Manny’s favorite lines: “Don’t just say you’re people-first. Live it out!!” Every day, as PFN’s mascot, he embodies the people-forward way that seeks the greater good of everyone around him. His leadership transformation story, from feeling miserable to meaningful, illustrates six key ways to lead from the heart, that we want to share with you as we celebrate 3 years of PeopleForward Network.


1. Invest in Relationships

For Manny, Pam was the first boss who took an interest in him, gave him fresh opportunities and helped him unlearn bad workplace habits. When she challenged his capabilities, she unlocked his inner rockstar and his skills transformed the business.

2. Offer Strengths Assessments

Maybe the powerhouse player you’re looking for is right under your nose, but you (and they) just don’t know it yet. When your people really know themselves, they can help others know them too. And when people know what they love to do, they can communicate their passion and add value to the team.

3. Tweak Titles

It matters what you’re called at work. There’s a huge difference between “Account Assistant” and “Brand Manager.” Manny experienced firsthand how language could empower him and stoke his imagination for what’s possible at work. His new title gave him more credibility in the workplace and pride with his family and friends.

4. Trust Your People

When your people discover what they love and what they’re good at, give them a piece of the pie. Trust them to inspire others with their skills and passion. Don’t let a few mistakes rattle you—it’s all part of the process. Communicate your confidence that they’re on their way to greatness.

5. Celebrate Wins

Pam took Manny out for a steak dinner to celebrate a job well done. She rewarded his success by giving him more responsibility with clients and coached him toward his next career goal. Give credit to your people for being a positive force for good. Ask them to tell their story on the company podcast—just like Manny!

6. Take the Pledge

Manny and the PFN Team are creating a global movement to help all people find meaningful work. When you sign the pledge, you’re joining hundreds of business leaders who are committing to be the change they want to see—and creating a workplace where every individual feels valued, supported and empowered to thrive.


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